Compass and Accelerometer Calibration

Compass and Accelerometer Calibration

The electronic compass on the EVOLVE 2 aircraft is used to determine the direction which aircraft is pointingto in reference to true north. The compass is a sensitive sensor that is affected by electromagnetic interference from sources such as radio towers and high voltage power lines. The compass can give false readings if the aircraft is placed over a surface composed of metal or if there is metal under the surface, such as rebar under concrete. If a compass error occurs simply relocate the aircraft in a different location until the metal interference is gone. If relocating the aircraft does not clear the compass error or if the Smart Pilot APP requires a compass calibration
Follow the steps below.

1. For safety reasons, please remove the propellers from the aircraft.
2. Make sure the Ground Station and aircraft are powered on and connected.
3. Navigate to the compass calibration page on the Smart Pilot APP: DRONE SETTINGS > AIRCRAFT > SENSORS > COMPASS
4. Follow the on-screen instructions to rotate the aircraft on the proper plane.
5. Only upon starting and ending will there be an audio prompt. Once successful, the aircraft will restart.
6. When complete the APP will indicate calibration success or failure.
7. If failed, switch off the aircraft and Ground Station power and restart at Step 1.

Accelerometer calibration is only required when requested by the Smart Pilot APP.

Please note that the aircraft calibration procedures are subject to change. Always follow the procedures indicated in the Ground Station. Please ensure all firmware is up to date and follow on screen instructions if any variance from the instructions outlined below.

1. For safety reasons, please remove the propellers from the aircraft.
2. Make sure the Ground Station and aircraft are powered on and connected.
3. Navigate to the accelerometer calibration page on the Smart Pilot APP: DRONE SETTINGS > AIRCRAFT > SENSORS > ACCELEROMETER
4. Ensure that the aircraft is on a levelled surface and press “Next”.
5. Follow the on-screen instructions for aircraft placement and push “Next” when prompted.
6. Once complete, the APP will indicate a failed or successful calibration.
7. If failed, switch off the aircraft and Ground Station power and restart at Step 1.

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